September 25, 2010

The Hangout

Happy Saturday all!

I have discovered this new coffee spot that's fairly close to me. So far I love it. It's one of those spots that you can drink some coffee, tea, or have a meal, while you enjoy your free wi-fi.

The night that I went, they were have a high school improve thingy going on. It was fairly funny, but I was pretty much enjoying my cookie and finishing up writing my letter.

They have a lot of artwork hanging on the wall by local artists, which is freakin sweet! There are even bookshelves with real books to read on them! It's almost like going to your mom's cool friends house and just being able to chill. So not only do they have books, but plush comfy chairs and couches to sit on too.

All that creative energy flowing that night gave me inspiration for a new painting. I'm excited about starting it, even though I haven't finished another painting that I'm doing. But hey! That's just how it goes..

Enjoy a great weekend folks!


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