October 9, 2013

Winery Good Times and Such..

Greetings peeps!
Over the weekend I went on home to Tennessee and me and The Boo celebrated 42 years of marriage with my parents. It may sound weird, but I actually like hanging with my parents because they're pretty freakin kool. I get to go do fun stuff like go to winery's and do tastings, and have a picnic of yummy snacky foods with white tablecloths, real picnic baskets and wine glasses.

It took about two hours to do the tasting, but it was worth it. In the meantime we got to chill out, walk around and listen to this great jazz band. I've been before to this particular winery when I was less knowledgeable about wines, so I was kind of worried when I found out that most of their wines are dry. I don't particularly like having cotton mouth and spit corners (spit corners: spit that has gathered in the corner of your mouth and is stringy and sticky and nasty looking), but hey if that's your thing.... that's kool. I prefer a nice sweet wine and preferably one where I don't really taste the alcohol! I really like their dessert wines such as the raspberry as shown above and their blackberry is totally delish too. Oh, and if you like Port then they have a nice one as well!

It was a really beautiful day as you can see. All kinds of people were there that day sitting on the lawn with their blankets and chairs, some brought full out table decorations including table cloths, flowers, centerpieces, and Fall themed items. While walking around I even saw some in full out Halloween costumes and tables decorations to match! 

Baby grapes!

Going through the vineyard and seeing the tiny little baby grapes was great all in itself! You always see grapes in the grocery store ready to go, but never on the vine where they grow, so it was pretty awesome to see nature at work. Walking through there they even had signs telling you not to pick the grapes! HA! I wonder how many people actually heed to those directions? I know I wanted to pick one or two. :)
So that was my weekend adventure! What was yours? 
A. Sparkle


  1. Replies
    1. As one of the participants of that weekend, yes, it was a great time! We'll do it again soon!


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