November 6, 2014

Top 5 Ways to be Productive

Hey Peeps! 

I hope that everyone has had a great week so far!  With it being the beginning of the month, it's been super nutso busy at work. Not being your own boss tends to take a toll on you and that got me inspired and thinking about the best ways to be productive. One of the things I want to do is look into! They are a great company that gives loans to small businesses (Yay!) and they pride themselves on helping entrepreneurs increase productivity. They have all sorts of information on their website and blog, giving you tips & tricks on how to be a successful business owner and I'm excited to dive in! I know everyone has different tactics on how to get things done, but I thought I'd share what works for me! Here are my Top 5:

My Vision Board

  • Make a List ~ Whether it be on paper or vision board, make sure you have a clear and concise list of things that you want to get accomplished. Quite personally I like making vision boards. Using Polyvore makes it really easy to do this. Or if you want to take it old school, you can sit down with some scissors, glue, and cut outs and paste away on poster board!

  • Find a Hiding Place ~ Do you ever have it in your mind to go home and get everything under the Sun completed? Yeah me too, but it doesn't happen. Why? Because there are too many distractions at home. There's always something that needs to be cleaned, or moved, or called about, or something to be done for someone else. You have to find what I like to call your hiding place! Starbucks is my hiding place. I can go in there and grab something yummy to drink and not be worried about what it is I need to get done at home. Plus, if you hang out at Starbucks then you're automatically a kool kid!:o)

  • Set a Time Limit  ~ I'm a person that hates to waste time. Deciding how long you want to work on your projects allows you to maximize the most out of your free time. And let's be honest, with the way the world works nowadays you want to use every second you can wisely! 

  • Get Some Rest Baby! ~ Yeah yeah, I know..  You've heard it all before, but for really reals it helps! I can't even tell you how many times I've felt like a dunce all because I was sleep deprived. But when I'm really awake (and not coffee awake) and rested I perform so much better. Get.That.Beauty.Rest.

  • Have the Right Tools ~ You can't get anything done without all the correct supplies, right? Right! If your hiding place is outside of your home, then make sure you pack a (cute) bag with everything that you're going to need to get the job done. 

Now these are just my ways of getting things done. What do you like to do to get in the zone and scratch things off the list? Let me know!


  1. I'm a total list-maker! And, I prefer paper and pen rather than digital. =0)

    1. I totally dig pen and paper too.. I should've mentioned that digital is better for goal setting.

  2. Great points! I too love lists! Something about crossing out a task makes me feel much more accomplished than simply completing it. lol

    1. I know, right? It's like it makes it official! :)

  3. Love these suggestions! Definitely need to find a quiet space. I sometimes use my bedroom, but when my bf is playing his video games, there's noise everywhere and I can't escape it in my apartment!

    1. Thanks! Lol.. Yeah, noise of some kind will always bleed through from room to room.. At least out in public it's 'white noise'. :)


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