June 1, 2014

Weekend Rambles

Greetings Friends!
Are you just joining for Weekend Rambles? I like to think of this as a non-judgment, free flowng thought kind of space. I'm curious about and welcome your rambles and thoughts for today. Enjoy!

Wow, I can't believe it's been this long since my last post! In my defense I was on vacation and my birthday did just pass. :) While I was away I got to visit with lot's of family, make biscuits with my Mom, do some touristy stuff around Atlanta, go to my favorite restaurant, and of course because I'm a yarn addict, I bought more yarn and hooks for new projects! Yay! It's been a good week. So let's ramble about some stuff, yeah?

* I really love when I get a new book and finish in like, three days because it's just that damn good! I just finished reading Decadence, by Eric Jerome Dickey, who happens to be my favorite authors and he did not disappoint. I aspire to write as well as him one day. :)

* Am I the only one that forgets to take stuff to the post office to ship? I've been trying to ship something off for what feels like weeks now and just haven't done it yet. I think part of it, is that I really don't like going to the post office. The employees always seem to be having a bad day, (in spite of this I still try to be friendly), the lines are long and it takes forever for one person to wrap up there time at the counter, and quite often there seems to be some unwritten rule that I didn't know about which forces me to get out of line and start all over again after correcting the problem. Ugh.. Going to the bank garners the same experience.

* Have you ever used dictionary.com? I love their Word of The Day! Check it out here. I'm totally going to start using this word in everyday life. Ha Ha!

* Often times I wonder if the people who read blogs are just other bloggers. I follow quite a few blogs, but I feel like that's because I like to read in general. Sometimes, I check out the people who leave comments on blog posts that I've read and they're all bloggers. Don't you know that I talked to one somebody at my job and I had to explain what a blog was was!?! I assumed everyone knew what they were by now. Guess I was wrong. :o/

* Breakfast is the best meal of the day in my opinion. It has the most fun and tasty foods. You might happen upon weird and totally gross foods for lunch and dinner.... but breakfast keeps it's simple and yummy, no? It's always strange to me when I run across people that don't.like.breakfast. You mean to tell me that you don't appreciate a nice warm biscuit, slathered in butter, with jam smeared on it? Come on! :)

* Do you ever feel the need to be creative or you'll just explode? Sometimes when I get this way I'll start to feel anxious and this nervous energy feeling will just be rumbling around in me until I go write, crochet, draw, or paint.

Okay friends, that is it for today! Do you have a Rambles post too? Leave your link in the comments below. Happy Sunday all!



  1. Post Office ugliness: I know of what you speak... there is a PO two streets over from my job......and there is always a line and I am just going to get stamps. An alert must have went out before I got there, because I always seem to get in the stupid question line. :o/ The Cutely Shopper

  2. I know what you mean re: having a creative feeling, anxious, nervous, looking for something to create. I get that way when I watch cooking shows or reading a semi dull book...... the easiest fix is to eat something. Lol, not the best way to channel the energy. The Cutely Shopper.

  3. I guess my other comment got lost in the cyber world somewhere. I love to learn new words, and read, but it does seem that most comments are left by other bloggers usually in a group committed to do so. That does not mean you don't have readers though. A lot of people will read and never say anything. I find the blogs that have controversial topics get the most comments.


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