August 19, 2014

Weekly Wishes #19!!

Salutations All!

Its that time again for weekly wishes! Did you set any goals for last week? If so, how did they go? Are you just joining me? Let me explain what happens for Weekly Wishes..
The Happenings: You share your weekly, monthly, or yearly goals/wishes/achievements and you get to be a part of this big group of people that are doing the same thing. Yay! Wanna join in? Check out The Nectar Collective and add a link to your blog!


Hey Hey Now! I do so hope that everyone accomplished their goals for last week. It looks like I'm becoming a Weekly Wisher on Tuesday instead of Monday... That will change as soon as my class is over over over!! Which thankfully will be mid-September! Yay! After I finish my coding class I'll be doing some graphic design training online and at my own pace. Accelerated programs are not for the faint hearted. In between class and studying, I've been crocheting my little heart out and loving it. I want to be fully prepared and ready for this upcoming Fall. The weather is already cooling down quite a bit here in Atlanta, which is very unusual but I'll roll with it. It's better for business.. Ha! So let's talk about what happened last week..

Last Weeks Wishes

Better Attitude towards class - er.... If anything it got worse!! I keep thinking about how lost I feel and how I'm not understanding what's going on. At this point my mind just has a wall up and it's not allowing any new information in. I'm just ready for it to be over basically.

Meditate - I knocked this on out of the park! I love to meditate. I didn't get a chance to meditate everyday, like I wanted to, but the fact that I got some in is good enough for me. :)

* Plan Etsy Stuff - As I mentioned above, I've been crocheting my ass off mainly over the weekend and I've made some plans about what I want to add for the season. I'll have quite a few headbands (like pictured above) available as well as cup/mug accessories. #I'mgeeked!


This Weeks Wishes

Better Attitude - I'm gonna keep this one on the list. I just must simply have patience and get over this mental block. I have no choice but to succeed!

* Crochet! Crochet! Crochet! - This won't be hard at all!! I'm in such a crochet mood right now it's all I want to do with my free time. I may even start back to taking my supplies to work and crocheting on my breaks. We shall see.

* Clean Up My Etsy Shop - I want to take away some listings as well as decide on which ones will be on sale. Maybe a pre-Fall sale? A give away? I dunno. I'll think of something.

I think this is definitely enough for now. What have you been up to and trying to get done? Good luck on your wishes this week!



  1. I'd love to hear more about your meditating! I've been trying to start a stronger mediation practice myself. Good luck with your wishes for this week - I'll be clicking over to check out your Etsy shop now.

    1. Hello there! Doing a post about meditation is a good idea.. Dunno why I hadn't thought of it before.. ^_^

      Thanks for checking out the shop I hope you have a lovely week!

  2. Oh, I hear you girl! Time is tough and joyful in the same time during the holidays! Best wishes and good luck on follow through!


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